BCAB Paddle Sport Leader

This course delivers the personal skill level and leadership ability required to lead a group of paddlers in a mixed craft fleet such as SUP, Canoe, Kayak, in appropriate locations, sheltered inland water, no more than 200m from the shore, or slow moving, ungraded rivers. The course content is delivered over 2 days training in personal skills, leadership and rescue. This an official BCAB Paddle Sport Leader Training course, following their set syllabus, which will be certificated and give you 10 CPD points. Public dates are available below.

Training courses will most likely run with one day at Tittesworth Reservoir and one day off site at a local river. Assessments can utilise any appropriate venues in the area, but will be discussed with the assessor beforehand.

 This can then be followed by a separate two-day assessment. If you would like to get enquire about an assessment please get in touch via: enquiries@tittesworthwater.co.uk

All Kit and Equipment such as Wetsuits, Buoyancy Aids, Boats and Paddles are included.

Who this course is for: Paddlers who are at Canoe Award / White Water Award / Touring Award / Sheltered Water SUP Award standard. The Paddlesport Safety and Rescue course is not a pre-requisite for training or assessment it is highly recommended.  If you need a refresher or further consolidation of your rescue skills why not check out our Safety and Rescue Skills Builder. If you have any questions about this award and its suitability for you please contact us using the enquiry form below.

Duration: Training courses are run over 2 days. Assessments are run over two days.

Cost - Training: £180 as part of a group or £180 per day of 1:1 bespoke training.

Cost - Assessment: £180 inclusive of certification fees.

Other Options: Want to get into Coaching? Have you considered the Coach Award or Paddlesport Instructor Award?

Pre-requisites - Training:

There are no pre-requisites for training.

Pre-requisites - Assessment:
To proceed to assessment you are required to:

  • Be a Paddle UK Member and registered for the assessment holding a stamped LR Form
  • Be Touring/ Canoe/White Water Award standard in the craft that you choose to lead from
  • Hold an 8 hour First Aid Certificate

Activity Dates, Availability and Booking:
Click on the activity dates below for more details, availability and details of how to book your place. Assessments are run by arrangement. Please contact us for more information or to arrange an additional date.

Please Note -  we require a minimum of 2 bookings for this course to go ahead.

There are no activities in the selected category. Please contact us on enquiries@tittesworthwater.co.uk for additional dates.